April 14, 2010

PaperRater – Improve Your Writing in an Instant

PaperRater is an online application that aims to improve the writing skills of students of all ages. Uploaded essays and reports are analyzed instantly using PaperRater’s real-time technology, and within a matter of seconds users are given an in-depth analysis that takes into account both the grammar and the writing style of the assignment that was submitted. The application also provides users with additional comments intended to improve the document’s readability, overall style, and even specific word choice.

Using PaperRater is completely free, and the format of your text file doesn’t matter at all. To get started, just copy and paste your writing assignment into the PaperRater site and add any references that you indent on including in a works cited page. Tell PaperRater what type of work you’re submitting—whether it’s an essay, research paper, book report, or short story—and click “Get Report.” What you’ll see next is your essay, with any misspelled words, grammar problems, and word choice issues underlined in various colors. You can also click to see PaperRater’s opinion of your assignment’s overall style and use of sophisticated vocabulary words, as well as tips on how to improve any issues or mistakes that may that have come up.

For teachers and professors, PaperRater features a free originality and plagiarism detection tool that makes it easy to determine whether any part of a student’s assignment was lifted from another online source. In the future, the website plans to offer additional writing tutorials and webinars for students and teachers, as well. While PaperRater is not a replacement for in-person proofreading and editing, it is definitely a valuable tool for anyone who’s looking to improve their writing and turn in more professional, polished looking assignments.

Practical Uses:

  • Get help improving an important essay
  • Learn about how you could improve your overall writing style
  • Check for grammar and word usage problems before turning in a book report
  • Make sure your students aren’t plagiarizing their assignments

Insider Tips:

  • Use the site’s Vocab Builder to improve your own vocabulary and knowledge
  • Input information about what type of assignment you are submitting for a more accurate analysis
  • Include information from your works cited page
  • Read tips on improving sophisticated word usage in an assignment

What we liked:

  • Easy to quickly run an essay through the PaperRater system before turning it in
  • Plagiarism check helps teachers and professors catch cheaters
  • Vocab Builder turns learning new vocabulary words into a daily activity
  • Style analyzer lets you know if you overused any parts of speech in an assignment

What we didn’t like:

  • PaperRater is not an accurate enough tool to completely replace individual proofreading of any assignments before turning them in


Company Info:


  • Free

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